Haverhoek Trucks B.V., Zweedsestraat 6, 7418 BG, Deventer, Sales: +31 (0) 570 606 064, E-mail: info@haverhoektrucks.nl


Business hours

Monday08:00 - 17:00
Tuesday08:00 - 17:00
Wednesday08:00 - 17:00
Thursday08:00 - 17:00
Friday08:00 - 17:00
Saturday08:30 - 12:00


Haverhoek Trucks B.V.
Zweedsestraat 6
7418 BG, Deventer

Gerrit Haverhoek - Piet Haverhoek:+31 570 606 064
Gerrit Haverhoek:+ 31 6 53 33 40 13
Piet Haverhoek:+31 6 51 78 38 00
E-mail: info@haverhoektrucks.nl

Datos bancarios

Bank Relation: Rabobank
Account nummer: 380267985
IBAN number: NL65RABO0380267985

Always check our bank account number on our website before transferring money. We or our employees will never ask you to make a payment to a different bank account number than the bank account number which is mentioned on our website. If someone asks you to transfer money to a different bank account number, please always contact us by phone before you transfer the money.


Traveling time to airports

Düsseldorf 2 h
Amsterdam 1.5 h
Eindhoven 1.5 h
Rotterdam 2.5 h


Royal Deventer
Postillion Hotels.com